Can Lab Grown Diamonds Get Scratched?

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Can a diamond get scratched? This is a common question, especially when comparing it to other types like pink, black, white diamonds and cubic zirconia. To answer briefly, yes.

Diamonds, like other jewels, can be damaged. Diamonds, on the other hand, are less prone to scratching than other stones. Javda Jewelry is here to help you with your inquiry.

Can Lab Grown Diamonds Get Scratched? Can You Scratch a Diamond? Are Diamonds Scratch Proof?

Can lab grown diamonds get scratched
Can diamonds scratch

Can Diamonds Scratch?

To fully understand the scratch resistance of diamonds, one must first grasp the laws of physics of diamond production. Diamonds are made up of carbon atoms that are organized in a crystal structure called a diamond lattice. Diamonds' remarkable hardness is due to this structure, which makes them the hardest natural substance known to man.

In terms of scratch resistance, lab grown diamonds are real diamonds that have qualities similar to natural diamonds. This is due to their virtually similar crystal structure and carbon atom arrangement.

Diamonds, the hardest substance known to man, can scratch everything. Although this isn't usually a problem because diamonds aren't something you just carry around with you. Nevertheless, there exist specific creative patterns that may unintentionally "facilitate" the scratching of other objects by your diamond engagement ring.

Is it Possible to Scratch a Diamond with Metal?

Metal, such as gold and silver, can be easily scratched by a diamond, while a diamond remains impervious to metal. Most metals have a Mohs hardness of 5 or less.

A few metals are harder, but not tough enough to scratch a diamond. Steel is not as hard as titanium, but hardened steel is harder than both steel and tungsten.

Is it possible to scratch a diamond with metal

Tungsten carbide is very hard, with a Mohs hardness of 8.5 to 9. This makes it highly resistant to scratches and abrasions, unlike most other gemstones. Pink diamonds, white diamond, and cubic zirconia are popular gemstones for engagement rings, wedding ring, and other diamond jewelry.

The hardness of diamonds

The Hardness of Diamonds

The term "diamond" is derived from the ancient Greek word "invincible," which explains its hardness. Diamonds are well-known for being one of the hardest material on earth, and here's why:

Diamonds are the hardest stone because of the minerals that formed them. Diamonds are made from carbon under high pressure high temperature in the Earth's mantle, at depths of 87 to 120 miles. And their creation lasted up to 1.3 billion years.

Because of the pressure and heat, the molecules shift and become closer together. As a result, molecules are unable to move; this is referred to as covalent bonding. Diamonds are particularly hard because of this stiff connection between molecules.

You've probably heard that diamonds have a mineral hardness rating of 10 on the Mohs scale. If you don't know, the Mohs scale was developed in 1812 by German mineralogist and geologist Friedrich Mohs. It characterizes mineral scratch resistance by assessing a harder material's ability to scratch a softer one.

Keep in mind that the numbers on this scale are not regularly spaced, which may lead to the scale being misleading.

This is what we mean: A stone rated a 5 isn't always half as hard as a diamond. The overall difference for the stones numbered 1 to 9 is smaller than the difference between 9 and 10. Also, keep in mind that hardness isn't the only factor you must consider. After all, hardness equates to scratch resistance - but what about the material's ability to absorb impact and resist breaking or chipping?

Toughness is the term for this skill. Soft gems can get damaged if hit hard with a hammer or dropped on a hard surface. Diamonds are very hard and can't be scratched or broken easily, scoring a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale. To some extent, the statement is correct.

Can Lab Diamond Last as Long as Natural Diamonds?

Lab grown diamonds are advertised as eco-friendly and cheaper than natural diamonds, making them a popular choice for diamond shoppers. However, you may be surprised to learn that lab grown diamonds are equally as durable and strong as natural diamonds.

Lab made diamonds are created by mimicking the conditions in which natural diamonds form deep inside the Earth. As a result, the diamond is structurally comparable to a natural diamond and is equally solid and durable.

Can lab diamond last as long as natural diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are commonly used in industrial applications demanding strength and longevity, such as drill bits and cutting tools. But what makes a diamond strong, and how can you tell if lab created diamonds will hold up over time?

How to keep your diamond from being scratched

How to Keep Your Diamond from Being Scratched?

We recommend that you remove any diamond jewelry you may be daily wear or wearing anytime you do physically demanding duties. Remove your diamond ring before performing housework, gardening, or participating in sports to avoid getting it damaged.

Store diamonds separately from other gemstones, especially other diamonds. You want to make sure they're not clashing with each other. Scratches are unavoidable otherwise.

Finally, remember to make appointments with your jeweler. This should be done at least once a year to ensure that your diamond is in good condition.


The softer the mineral, the simpler it is to scratch. A diamond is the world's hardest mineral or jewel. Diamonds are the hardest mineral on the Mohs Scale, with a rating of 10. Other minerals, on the other hand, have a rating of 9 or lower.

A diamond cannot be scratched by anything with a harder hardness than a diamond. Only another diamond can scratch a diamond. Despite this, there are numerous urban tales that assert the reverse. All gemstones can be damaged, so it's important to take care of them to keep them looking beautiful and shiny.
